Tuesday, September 30, 2014

Croton 9/30/14 A New Site

As mentioned in an earlier blog, our time was up Monday at noon.  We decided to hang around another week.  However, only R&K were able to keep their present site.  V&G and I had to vacate for others arriving midweek (we shall see).  My new site is lucky #13.  V&G will be at #14.  The treat of the day was watching Vicki move their big Allegro to their new site.

Leaving one site....

....Arriving at the new site

As you can see below, the sites in this park are very spacious; more so than what you'll find in the private RV parks.  In the future, I'll try not to decide on another week at the end of a stay but rather book them beforehand.  It's not that I'm not satisfied with the new site; rather, the hassle of packing up, draining tanks, pulling in slides before moving to what amounts to "down the street" is a big pain.

A corner lot no less

Yes, it's as cozy as the last one.  I'm finding my level of comfort is less discriminating than the feeling I get when I'm nestled in Mother Nature's environment.  This seems to be the reason I'm here in a "home" away from home to begin with.

As an example, you may remember that which caught my eye while sitting and reading at my picnic table in Rhode Island.  It was just a quick glance into the wooded area adjacent to my site.  The only movement that caught my eye.  There was no breeze, and no other leaf moved.  Just the one leaf.  Mother Nature's amazing trick lured me toward it to find out what was going on. What was it that made this single, solitary leaf spin?

The Turning Leaf

Today, once again, while seated at my table reading and enjoying Travels with Charley, movement catches my eye.  This time it's not a turning leaf  but a single, solitary leaf driven by unknown and unseen forces; a rhythmic swaying back and forth as accurate and mesmerizing as the pendulum of a clock.  No other leaf seemed to be affected by wind or breeze.

Nature's Pendulum

There's one last observation I made before I let you go for the night....both George and Ray have noticed it also; it was about other campers in this park:  They are just plain ol' unfriendly....not rude or mean.  Past experiences at different RV parks (and in different states) is quite the opposite as Ray will confirm.  The simple act of nodding hello to you or waving as they drive by, just doesn't happen.  They don't even look at you. That gesture is generally the accepted and expected unspoken protocol of RVers....much like not walking through their site or getting settled down at the appointed hour set by the campground.  So far, I can make this generalization about New Yorkers here.  I take the time to check their tags to see which state they're from.  This is my fifth stay here in Croton and "friendliness" here will be my benchmark.  So far, I've been to Maine and Rhode Island and can attest to the fact that RVer are different. (Aha! I hear her now: "Maybe it's you."  Ha Ha, don't think so.)

Monday, September 29, 2014

Croton 9/28/14 Mid day

Today was met with mixed emotions...as are all "last days" at a campsite.  Clean up, roll up, pack up; time consuming and depressing.  While chatting with R/K and V/G, we agreed with the weather the way it has been, we should take advantage and perhaps try for another week.   I checked my calendar and commitments.  There are two, but with my Caddy here, I can handle both quite nicely--no airport runs to worry about. The bottom line on that unexpected development is R/K can remain on their site #33, V/C will have to move to site #13, and Winnie and I will have move to site #14.  We will all be in the same area and within "commuting" distance, a matter of yards.  For me, it'll mean a trip home to do laundry, get mail, check Petey, and buy supplies.  Quick and easy.

In last night's blog post I mentioned congratulatory announcements.  One is the long awaited birth of Nathan Daniel Smalley, son of Matt and Karyn Scherer Smalley.  Karyn, my goddaughter has been patiently awaiting for this blessed event.  

"Matt and I are thrilled to announce the arrival of our baby boy, Nathan Daniel. He was born today, 9/27, at 4 am weighing 7 lbs 4 oz with a length of 19". We are all doing fantastic and can't wait for everyone to meet him. We are so in love with this little peanut."

Photos to follow when I get them.  Congratulations Matt, Karyn, Oscar and Mary Ellen.

Next, congratulations to long time friend and Hen Hud Varsity volleyball coach, Diane Swertfager.  On Thursday, September 23rd, Diane yet another career achievement; that of winning her 500th match.  Even nicer, it was against Walter Panas and the nicest of all, it was a 3-game sweep.  And what an exciting game it was with Hen Hud the underdog. Sweet.  

Congratulations, Diane

Sunday, September 28, 2014

Croton 9/28/14 Evening

Today we continue the delightful practice of having visitors from both the past and the present.  From the past we entertained Wendy & Roger, up from SC and who made time in their tight, busy schedule to visit us.  They attended a wedding and are visiting son, Zach and wife, Lori.  Even Ray & Kathy's daughter, Amy, and husband Evan, stopped by once again to visit Amy's favorite teachers...even though she was not up to par....a trooper for sure.  From the present, old friend, Sean (who's still at BMMS) stopped by at the invitation of Ray.  So what we enjoyed was five people from the Blue Mountain family past and present catching up on old times and new developments.  The eyeopeners, of course, were the disclosures of our kid's ages, what they're doing, and how long its been since we've seen the doors of BM.  The "good ol' days" for R&K, W&R, and my family were our camping trips of the past, particularly the one in April, 1984 where we spent Easter Sunday together on Myrtle Beach.
A rare photo from the Arnold archives.  Thank you
First, upon arrival, greetings all around.....

.....then catching up

Checking to see if snacks and drinks will fit 



A visit as well from Valerie and Phil (from Blue Mt's past)



After 3 pizzas, salad, garlic knots and bottles of wine & beer, a good time was had by all as usual and memories recorded.

Saturday, September 27, 2014

Croton 9/25/14 More Good times

Another great day greeted me today.  My, how many time have you read that phrase?  How many more will I continue to enjoy?  Is it because I am here in an RV?  The location?  Time of year? People I am with?   I knew it was going to be good: the heat didn't run hardly at all last night but maintained the coach's temp at 70 degrees.  The high today reached the mid 70's and, we agreed, it's just another beautiful day, 
As I sat at my picnic table enjoying a hot cup of coffee, friend, Ray walked by on his way to dispose of his trash and ready for his daily walk.  I decided to join him and an hour later, accomplished another 3 miles trek.


Our full schedule of visitors continued this afternoon with a visit from Vicki's cousin, Lisa, and husband, Mauricio (Moe).

Moe & Lisa
The highlight of their visit, beside getting tours of the small, medium, and large size RVs that we are fortunate enough to own, was Moe's contribution of TWO Stromboli for which he is world famous; well, at least in our world he is the master---a master of the perfect dough (he doesn't use sugar), the perfect sauce and ragu, pizza, you name it; if it's Italian, he'll make it for you.  He is always eager to provide you with the pleasure of authentic Italian cuisine.  For tonight, he made a sweet sausage/mozzarella Stromboli and a pepperoni/mozzarella Stromboli.  And with my humblest apologies to him, I confess I do not have any photos of these pieces of culinary art.  As a food-picture-taking junkie I feel terrible that I've robbed my readers of the golden crusted, perfectly baked delicacies and robbed Moe of the opportunity to show off his masterpieces.  However, with bottles of wine, beer, and/or water disappearing, so too did the food.  Vicki's tortellini with a bolognese sauce was most delicious and it too disappeared and was most appreciated.  Thank you, Moe & Vicki.

Strict Orders

For dessert, we thank Barbara for baking and providing me her gift to us RV'ers.  An apple, raisin, walnut loaf.  And as per admonishment, I was a good boy and did not "sample" prior to tonight's dinner.

The unveiling proved to be breathtakingly beautiful.

The texture of the loaf was very moist.  With a smear of whipped cream cheese, the flavor was enhanced.  There was no mistaking that this was an apple, raisin, walnut loaf and worthy of awards.  Thank you, Barbara; who, by the way, is currently in Puerto Rico visiting her son and family and boasts of a new addition.  Grandparents once again.  Congratulations B&B 6D

Did you notice that beautiful fire in the background?  This was the next and last attraction for the evening....Enter, center stage, the Fire Starter:

"G", "Jorge", "Pyro", "Fire Starter" (there's more).....

.......has raised his skills to an art form.

Logs must be arranged in their OCD order by size.

"OCD"; = Opposite, Contrasting Directions....

....with proper amounts of tinder and kindling.....

....for the perfect fire.

More great news and congratulatory messages on tap for tomorrow.  I could continue and share it all now but, alas, it's time to close.  I must consider the reader.  My coffee with dessert was not decaf tonight and I may pay the price with difficulties sleeping.  Not a problem.  Tomorrow is Sunday, a day of rest.  More special visitors due and the weather once again will be perfect.  I've always begrudgingly ended my days having to retire.  I eagerly await the dawn, the new day, and all it has to offer.  What I've experienced in the past gives testament to my enjoyment and fortunate life.  Till next time, good night.

Friday, September 26, 2014

Croton 9/26/2014 A Get Together

Another beautiful day here in Croton.  Anticipating such weather, Vicki wisely postponed the visit of her friends until today.  A good decision.  Guests arrived around 3:30 pm and left about 9:30 pm.  Good friends, good conversation, good laughs, and even a great campfire to end the perfect day.

Some selected photos of the evening:

Our Host

Enter Nicole.....and

....Andy with the Veggies

Kathy's spicy dip, Nicole's veggies/dip, Chucky's Cheeses

Vicki's Deviled Eggs

Kathy M's Cheese Dip (w/jalapeño

Sir Thomas and.....
......Kathy B

Ray & Nicole



Kathy M's favorite hat

 Evan & Amy
The Fire Starter

Not a drop of gasoline used

Gross but delicious.  I see an elephant with a drippy trunk.