Monday, May 26, 2014

Conception & Birth of Winnie

There they sat; Vicki and George, Ray and Kathy.  Each with their h-u-g-e motor homes:

Kathy & Ray --- Vicki & George


Ray & Kathy's Baby - front
From the side

and I'm invited for dinner to celebrate my birthday.  This was about the time I was bitten by the "camping bug".  I've already had it in my blood from days gone more than 35 years ago, when, in my other life, we enjoyed many summers traveling all over with our group.

Coleman Ticonderoga Pop Up

The only photo I have showing our gang in front of 

Tom Wyskida's Starcraft popup camper.  

In Myrtle Beach with:
The families: Rossi, Merz, Arnold, Kuczma & Pete and Grace Wilkie

So, fast forward to 2014 and a visit to Croton's RV Park, where sitting with friends outdoor with the luxuries of home just steps away, food tasting so much better, and being a lover of nature, the bug bit.