Friday, March 27, 2015

All About Petey - Part I

Created by Beca for me.

My apartment is on the sixth floor and faces west with a wooded grove within one hundred feet of my balcony. During the summer months, my sliders are open 24/7. I have become accustomed to and appreciate the sounds of many different types of birds. It was early morning on July 27th, 2006, when the sound of a different kind of bird caught my attention.  This sound was different. With camera in hand, I went out onto the balcony to search and caught a fleeting glimpse of a slightly larger and very colorful bird flying around.  Along with its chirping I knew this was not a bird indigenous to this region.  I concluded this was a tropical bird and an "escapee" from someone who left their door/window open while this bird enjoyed its freedom outside a cage. For whatever reason, this bird decided to land on the railing of my balcony looking a little disheveled. It wasn't frightened by my appearance as I stood at my bedroom slider and began taking pictures. This grey cockatiel belonged to someone and it wouldn't last long in this area with its resident red-tailed hawk.  I maintain a feeder on my other balcony so grabbing some bird seed was quick and easy.  I slid the screen door open very slowly and placed a handful of seed along the railing in front of the bird and moved back inside. 

It became apparent that this little fella had been
out in the wild for a time and ravenously ate the seed.

Now to lure him into the apartment......

Voila, like it or not, I was the new owner
of a "rescue."  I had a pet.......
....and with balcony choices like these,
why did 
he choose mine?

Note the long, yellow feathered crest.
Over time he lost it. 
He (I assumed) had no problem jumping up on a finger or an arm and immediately started to get used to his new home. One disappointing characteristic was the fact that this bird did not like to be touched or petted.  Most cockatiels, love being stroked in the back or sides of the head.  Not Petey.  Petey bit; didn't break skin but his message was loud and clear.  No touchy-feeley.  Okay, understood and accepted.  No problem jumping onto fingers, knees, or shoulders but go to touch and off he goes.  Some previous traumatic event no doubt but no therapy sessions for this guy.  Meanwhile, at that time, my apartment was open to him and he spent is time free to fly around and poop where he pleased.  But, he needed a cage.  I left him in my bedroom, door closed, and immediately took a trip to the local pet store and bought all things necessary for his comfort.  I asked the owner if anyone had come in and inquired about a lost bird.  I left my name and number should that occur.  He asked if I wanted its wings clipped.  I declined the suggestion thinking it an unnatural state for a bird.

It wasn't long thereafter when Petey shared with me his unique talent.....a talent that startled me.  He in one room, I in another, I began hearing what I thought was someone in the apartment whistling, "If I Only Had a Brain" from the Wizard of Oz.  I jumped up, rushed into the living room and found no one except the bird singing this song.  As you view the video clip, notice the clenching of his claw and the precise movement of the head at exactly the right moment and with the appropriate pause before continuing.  To this day I wonder how he learned it.  If the video doesn't work from this blog.  Click Here to see him on YouTube.  To date, I've put 5 videos up and they have been viewed 25,000 times so far.

Over the years, this bird has had many visitors and admirers.  The name, Petey, has stuck but when asked, I've always said, "Call him whatever you want."  So, "Chirpy, " "Mr. Peterson," "Spotty," "Cheeko", "Ozzie", "Chirpy" as well as "Bird" have been used.  As you guessed, he responds to none of them.  In an attempt to keep this blog entry short, I will have a Part II to "All About Petey" and share photos and video clips of visitors and other "talents" of Petey.  

Fast forward to 2015, the purchase of a new RV, and numerous trips that have kept me away from home.  Petey needed someone to look after his creature comforts.  He needed a "bird-sitter."  Fortunately, I had Diane F., a neighbor downstairs who volunteered her services.  Her willingness to tend to Petey's needs during the seven years I spent the month of April down in Daytona Beach Shores, FL made my stay more relaxing.  Now, with my RV adventures increasing in frequency and duration, her involvement is a chore that is "above and beyond the call of duty." Something needed to be done.  I spoke to granddaughter, Rebeca (Beca), about inquiring around the campus of Sacred Heart University to see if anyone would like a grey Cockatiel.  She asked her biology professor and received this text:

This sounded like the perfect fit and relieved a lot of stress and concern about finding a suitable home.  Giorgi, a fellow freshman with Beca, will be Petey's new owner. She has a bird, works with birds in the lab at SHU and lives 1½ miles from the University.  I asked Beca to find out whether she'd like the stand upon which Petey's cage sits and received this:

I get a good "sense" of enthusiasm and caring from that text. So, with more photos to come, today, Friday, March 26, 2015, at 5:00 pm, a new experience will be had by all.  

This is Petey's new home


  1. I'm happy for Petey, but for awhuile you're going To miss that bird. Ⓜ

    1. Well, as I've been telling folks when told about missing him: What about no more waking up early when you want few extra snores? No more wiping down poop on furniture? No more stained rugs? No more cleaning cages? No more cutting vacation time short to be sure my bird-sitter doesn't exert herself? No more purchasing bird seed; bird seed ain't chicken feed, ya know. No more paper towels under anything I guess he'll perch on. AND, I have over 66 videos and 274 files in 11 folders in case I get "nostalgic."
      Not to worry, I'll get by.

  2. I guess I should have said you're going to miss that bird, but not the poop and aggrivtion he caused. Ⓜ
