Saturday, March 28, 2015

All About Petey - Part III The End

As my nine year relationship with a bird that flew in "out of the blue" and into my life came to an end on March 27th, 2015, I was made less concerned about his new home and owner.  Petey received a lot of attention, good care, and gave lots of pleasure to many people while living with me. Through the efforts of granddaughter, Beca, arrangements were made and Petey made his way into a happy young lady's life. Giorgi, a junior at SHU and who works with the biology professor in the lab, was contemplating purchasing another bird as a companion for the one she owned. 

Although the address is in Bridgeport, CT,
Giorgi is but a mile and half from school
which is in Fairfield, CT.

Poppa Charlie (in dire need of new jeans that fit), Beca and
 her friend, Kristin, arrived with Petey about 5:30 pm.
Petey was kept warm and free from distractions by
being covered
the entire 2 hr. trip. (Friday commuters on
the Merritt Parkway)

Giorgi had a small, cozy room ready for Petey.
Windows on two sides, lots of plant life as well as
Petey's new roommate.  Giorgi's bird is a little smaller
than Petey but enjoys a cage that is 5 times that of Petey's.
Petey seems to be scoping out the cage next door


Giorgi, left, seems happy about the entire adventure
as Kristen looks on.

Big Bird holding Little Bird
This precious little thing loved
to be petted and touched.

Afterwards, Beca, Kristen and I went....... dinner at Beca's favorite place, the
Cheesecake Factory.

The most frequent question asked of me has been just how much I'll miss Petey.  After 9 years, of course he will be missed. However, my thoughts, in review, are about just what it is that I will miss:
  • No more waking up early because of his announcing sunrise just when you want a few extra after that 3:30 a.m. airport trip;
  • No more wiping up poop on whichever piece of furniture he decides to land;
  • No more stained rugs because I misplaced the piece of paper towel (See PPPS below);
  • No more cleaning cages or changing the bottom tray;
  • No more worrying about the length of vacation or travel time that impacts on the free time of his bird-sitter;
  • No more purchasing bird seed; bird seed ain't chicken feed, ya know;
  • No more guessing where paper towels will be placed around the house. I thought I had developed and perfected the PPPS system: "Poop Probability and Prediction Scale". This scale would give the ratio of distance from paper and where the poop landed. It was an inverse proportion for you math majors: the more certain I was as to where it would land, the farther away it wound up;
  • No more vacuuming seeds and seed husks;
  • No more looking over my shoulder every time I went out on my balcony to make sure he wouldn't escape;
  • No more jumping out of my seat because I didn't hear him while he was out of his cage.  When it got too quiet, he was into no good;
  • No more triangular cuts on the edges of papers, books, or photos where he used his beak as a stapler.

This could have been Petey one summer day when I decided to put him and 
his cage out onto the balcony.  Apparently our resident hawk sitting on a limb in the
grove waited till I went back inside, flew over, and with talons forward, flew
into the cage for lunch.  Amazed at the span of the outstretched wings, I 
quickly went out and brought a shaken Petey back inside.  He spent the rest
of the afternoon tending to what I would call a sore shoulder from flapping
around in the cage.  Wish I had a video of that one.
Thank you all for your notes and concerns.  All's well that ends well.


  1. Oh no! Not that Giorgi in Bridgeport! She's got a YouTube video how to prepare coq (atiel) au vin! Oh, the horror...

    1. your comment......Reminds me of a great Twilight Zone episode where aliens come to Earth and cure all illnesses, solve poverty and hunger.....all in order to "Serve Man." lol That was the name of the cookbook they always had close at hand.....How to "Serve Man."

      I do believe Petey will find long as he has a mirror.
